New Ballot Module

Easy-to-use voting module that helps associations & communities to get approval on new policies, elect representatives and make decisions

Voting Features

  • Create your ballot in minutes and notify your voters in real time
  • MangoApps in this release will support 2 types of items on the ballot
    • Documents
    • People
  • Both document & people type of ballot can be a Yes/No style of ballot or a Election style of ballot
    • For a ‘Yes/No’ style of ballot use the single choice option when creating a ballot
    • For the ‘Election’ style of ballot use the multiple choices option when creating a ballot
  • As a ballot creator you have a list of flexible options to choose from. These options include:
    • Who can vote? (Auto-managed by team membership vs Specific team members)
    • When does the voting start & end? (Start date & Close date)
    • When are the results of the ballot available (Real time vs After the ballot is closed)
    • Who can view the results of the ballot (Any team member, Voters only, Admins only)
    • Who can comment on a ballot? (Any team member, Voters only, Admins only)
    • Who can view the comments posted on a ballot? (Any team member, Voters only, Admins only)
    • Comments along with the vote (Required, Optional, Not Allowed)
    • Is re-voting allowed? (Yes or No)
    • Any special voting instruction to include?
  • View a consolidated list of ballots across all teams
    • Ability to filter the ballot list by open, closed & approved ballots in a time range
    • Ability to sort the ballot list by title, starting date, closing date, status & ballot item

Communication Features

  • New notifications have been added to ensure that a ballot changes are communicated to the users.
  • Like other notification settings users have control on the specific ballot notifications they wish to be notified about
  • Ability to comment on a ballot allow users to communicate on a ballot even if they are not a voter (driven of a setting)
  • A smart reminder is automatically set for all voters for 1 day prior to ballot close date. If a voter casts their vote prior to the close date the reminder is automatically removed for them.

Audience Response Features

  • Votes cast by the audience are reported on the ballot results page
  • When the voter responses become visible will be decided based on ‘When are the results of the ballot available?’ setting
  • Who can see the voter responses will be decided based on ‘Who can view the results of the ballot?’ setting
  • Voter responses are reported in two sections
    • Results Summary
    • Result Details By Voter
  • Voter responses will be available for download in an XLS format
  • Ballot creator, domain & team admins can always view the full results of the ballot (once they become available)

Ballot Advanced Features

  • Voter List Management:
    • Voter list can be setup to be auto-managed as per the team membership. This means that as new members get added to the team they automatically have the permission to vote on an open ballot in the team. A member who is removed from the team will no longer have permission to vote on a ballot. Voter list can also be setup to be a list of specific team members (not auto-managed)
    • Ballot creator, team and domain admins have the permission to make the change to the voter list for open ballots.

  • Change Vote On Behalf Of Someone:
    • This feature is for the scenario when the voter calls the ballot creator and requests to change their vote
    • A change to a vote made on someone’s behalf is tracked to indicate who did the change, whose behalf it was done and when it was done
    • Ballot creator, team and domain admins have the permission to carry out this function

  • Audit Of Ballot Changes :
    • Changes to the ballot are audited. This audit would include the following actions
      • Ballet created
      • Ballot closed
      • Ballot archived
      • Ballot re-circulated
      • Ballot amended
      • Ballot voter list changed
      • Ballot vote on behalf of someone was changed
    • Ballot creator, team and domain admins have the permission to carry out the above changes to the ballot

  • Auto-Approved Ballots:
    • Domain admins can configure that ballots move to an ‘Approved’ status when they have a certain % of affirmative votes.
    • The auto-approval of a ballot is automatically trigged on the ballot close date if the approval % rule is met

  • Re-publish Ballot with Amendment:
    • When a change to a ballot is made, it can be tracked as an amendment as part of publishing the ballot
    • Tracking the change as an amendment keeps a note of the change made and is visible to everyone who can see the ballot
    • Voters are notified of the change to the ballot (if their notification settings is for amendment is ON)

  • Re-circulate As New Ballot:
    • Re-circulating a ballot closes the current ballot and re-opens a new ballot with all the information copied over to the new ballot including the votes, comments and ballot audit history
    • Re-circulated ballot will have re-voting turned on by default
    • Voters will be able to re-vote/change their existing vote on the re-circulated ballot

Admin Features

  • Option to setup the label for the ‘Ballot module’ in your community
  • Option to setup the labels for the voting action buttons
  • Who can create new ballots can be controlled
  • Ability to set up auto-approval rule for all ballots
  • Team admins have option to enable/disable the ballot module in their teams

Example Use Cases For The Ballot Module

  • Associations for making amendments and approving documents/procedures/processes
  • Unions to elect their representatives who represent their interests
  • Universities for electing trustees
  • Law firms for electing partners