Curriculum/Program Creation & Management

MangoApps learning platform supports programs which are called as curriculums. A curriculum is a series of courses that are organized into steps which have to be completed to get a certificate or meet the training requirement. A curriculum can be assigned to users and optionally marked as required to complete in a set time period (just like a course). A curriculum can be composed of both Self-Paced courses & Instructor-Led courses

  • Create a Curriculum/Program

    • Create a curriculum/program by providing the required & optional fields like title, video introduction, description, category, instructor, certificate and the custom fields that have setup in your domain’s learn module
    • A curriculum/program consists of 1 or more steps to logically organize series of courses
    • A curriculum/program can be setup to include both self-paced & instructor-led courses in one curriculum/program (a.k.a. blended learning)
    • Use the video introduction to post an overview of the curriculum/program
    • Use the certification fields to assign the certificate the user would get & it’s validity on completing the curriculum/program
    • Use the hashtags field to enter keywords for the curriculum/program to make it easy to find it using search
    • Use the estimated duration to specify the time expected to complete the curriculum/program
    • Credit hours of the curriculum is a sum total of the credit hours  of the courses in it. Credit hours are automatically calculated for the curriculum/program
    • Use the visibility field to decide which set of employees can see the curriculum/program in the course catalog
    • Use the auto-archive settings to automatically archive the curriculum/program after X months/years (if needed)


  • Curriculum Resources

    • A curriculum can have a resource section that allows LMS admins/instructors to share reading material with users to prepare for the curriculum
    • Resources section can include PDFs, Videos and documents of any type
    • Ability to view resources online and download is supported


  • Curriculum/Program Visibility & Access

    • Curriculum/Program support the same visibility values as supported by courses
      • Private – The curriculum is not visible in the course catalog. A link of this curriculum is needed to see & take it
      • Specific Users – The curriculum is visible in the course catalog only to the users who are added here
      • Specific Teams – The curriculum is visible in the learn module of teams that are listed here and in the course catalog to the members of the team
      • Specific Location – The curriculum is visible in the course catalog to users who belong to the location listed here
      • Entire Company – The curriculum is visible to everyone in the company
      • Public – The curriculum is visible to everyone in the company and to everyone on the internet
    • Visibility controls who can view the curriculum in the course catalog.
    • The user may still be able to take the curriculum if they are given a direct link to the curriculum that they are able to access it (e.g.,  link to a curriculum in public team) based on the auto-enrolment setting of the curriculum


  • Curriculum/Program Steps

    • Courses inside the curriculum are organized in 1 to multiple steps. Step consists of title, description and a list of courses (Self-Paced or ILT)
    • Admin can enforce the steps to be sequentially completed or can be completed in any order by learners
    • Admin can enforce the courses inside a step to be sequentially completed or can be completed in any order by learners
    • Admin can configure if all the courses inside a step have to be completed or a lesser number of courses can be completed to consider the step as completed


  • Curriculum/Program Pre-requisite Courses

    • One or more pre-requisite course (Self-Paced or ILT)  or curriculum can be set to be completed before starting the current curriculum
    • This is an optional list and allows instructors to enforce a learning path for users


  • Curriculum/Program Enrolment

    • LMS admin/instructor can prevent users from enrolling in curriculum by themselves
    • Ability to share instructions on how to take the curriculum can be shared by the LMS admin/instructor
    • When self-enrolment is turned off for a curriculum, users will not see an action to start the curriculum



  • Curriculum/Program Editing

    • Course info & steps can be edited at any time by the domain admin, instructor and designated learn module admins
    • All the information in course info & steps can be edited
    • As part of editing a curriculum/program, new steps can be added, existing steps can be removed, new courses in a step can be added and existing courses from a step can be removed
    • Editing a curriculum that is already published will  automatically hide it (temporarily) from the course catalog for the duration while it is being edited, to avoid learners to start or resume it while it is being edited. After the edit is complete the curriculum will again automatically become available in the course catalog as before.
    • Curriculum/program editing feature is available from MangoApps Release v15.0.2